Custom Contest
The prizes are as follows:
Custom Figure Contest
First Place
$75 DFW GI Joe Show Bucks
Second Place
$50 DFW GI Joe Show Bucks
Third Place
$25 DFW GI Joe Show Bucks
Custom Diorama Contest
First Place - $75
DFW GI Joe Show Bucks
Second Place
$50 DFW GI Joe Show Bucks
Third Place
$25 DFW GI Joe Show Bucks
Contest Entry Times
Contest check-in can take place as early as 10 a.m. Saturday, July 24th. Limited space available. Complimentary table space available on a first-come, first-serve basis. All entries must be picked up by 3:30 pm near the end of the show.

Contest Judging
Judging will be conducted by selected members of DFW Gi Joe & Action Figure Show staff and/or special guests. Judges points are awarded prior to judging. All judge’s decisions are final.
For a category to be judged, there must be at least FIVE individual entrants. There will only be one entry allowed per contestant per category.
Contest judging will take place at 2:00 pm in the contest room with entry to the contest room closed, and no one other than the judges present. Contest winners will be announced at 3:00 pm at the show entrance.
Custom Figure Contest Rules
Single figure entries must be standalone OR can be mounted to a base which will not be included in the judging. If used, the figure base should not exceed the size needed to support the standing figure (Roughly 8”x8”). Entrants with detailed bases capturing a specific scene that highlight what the figure is doing should consider entering the Custom Diorama contest. The choice is ultimately the contestants. Note: If mounted on a base all items on the base need to be secure so that show staff can move them if needed.
A single figure includes but is not limited to any toy action or non-action figure. This includes: GI Joe, Dragon, Barbie, Transformers, Sigma Six and other toy action figures.
Entries can be any theme as long as it is in good taste. If it is deemed to be of poor taste or contain inappropriate material, you will be asked to remove it from display as this is a family-oriented show.
Entries may have special effects such as lighting or moving parts. The entrant needs to identify these to staff when submitting the figure to the contest. The entrant will be responsible for connecting the figure to any needed power in a safe and responsible manner subject to staff determinations. NOTE: sparks, flames or pyrotechnics are not allowed.
Once the figure has been officially entered and displayed, it cannot be altered in any way, shape, or form UNLESS a repair needs to be made. That repair can only be to fix said figure or base. Nothing can be added or removed unless show staff find something inappropriate. Special consideration will be made in the event special effects such as lighting or moving parts need to be turned off or on during show hours or batteries, if used, need to be replaced.
The judging process includes the creativeness in which the action figures or related action toys are used or posed.

Custom Diorama Contest Rules
1. We ask that entries not to exceed 24"X 24" square. In many cases the tables we use are a split table and dioramas may hang over the edges of the table. Larger entries will be allowed on a case by case basis, provided there is available table space to display the scene. All items on the diorama need to be secured to the base. Dioramas may consist of action figures, dolls, or other children’s toys. ** We strongly suggest you contact show staff prior to the show if you have an entry that will exceed the 24” x 24” base size **
2. Entries can be any theme as long as it is in good taste and children’s toy related. If it is deemed to be of poor taste or contain inappropriate material, you will be asked to remove it from display as this is a family-oriented show.
3. In the event the diorama needs to be moved, every effort will be made to contact the Diorama artist to assist in moving the diorama. If contact is not made, our staff will move the diorama witnessed by security or staff for liability reasons.
4. Entries may have special effects such as lighting or moving parts. The entrant needs to identify these to staff when submitting the figure to the contest. The entrant will be responsible for connecting the figure to any needed power in a safe and responsible manner subject to staff determinations. NOTE: Sparks, flames or pyrotechnics are not allowed.
5. Once the diorama has been officially entered and displayed, it cannot be altered in any way, shape, or form UNLESS a repair needs to be made. That repair can only be to fix the diorama. Nothing can be added or removed unless show staff observes something inappropriate. Special consideration will be made in the event special effects such as lighting or moving parts need to be turned off or on during show hours or batteries, if used, need to be replaced.
6. The judging process includes the creativeness in which the diorama or related action toys are used.